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ECE Departmental Seminar

Vision + X

Prof. Zhaozheng Yin
Stony Brook University Biomedical Informatics

Friday, 11/8/19, 11:00am
Light Engineering 250

AbstractComputer Vision technologies and markets grow very fast recently. Using some domain knowledge and complementary techniques from physics, texts, wearable sensing, robotics and citizen science, we show a few examples on how Computer Vision can better solve some challenging problems in biomedical image analysis, e-commerce, smart manufacturing, civil infrastructure inspection and precision agriculture. We believe the interdisciplinary exploration between Computer Vision and many other engineering and science fields can make remarkable disruption in the fast-growing AI trend.

Bio: Zhaozheng Yin is a SUNY Empire Innovation associate professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics and Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. With research interests in Biomedical Image Analysis, Computer Vision and Machine Learning, his group has published 80+ papers in computer science conferences and journals including a few paper awards in CVPR and MICCAI. He received an NSF CAREER award in 2014 and has been serving as an Area Chair of MICCAI2015, WACV2016/2018/2019, CVPR2017 and ECCV2020.